About Wenroth

Psychology at Work

Wenroth is a Talent Management Consultancy dedicated to Psychology at Work. We are Organizational Psychologists that work across the business lifespan as companies select, develop, and promote their leaders. With a 30 year track record of working with thousands of professionals in hundreds of companies, Wenroth is a renowned and trusted guide offering a boutique experience to our clients and infusing all of our collaborations with creativity, fresh perspective, and strategic insight. At Wenroth, we take deep personal satisfaction in helping our clients select the best talent, build leadership bench strength, and continuously challenge senior executives and C Suite officers to high performance through change and volatility. Contact us to see how as your partner, we can put our expertise, energy, and passion for excellence to work for you.


  • Select Scientifically
    Selecting employees successfully into mission-critical jobs More Information
  • Perform Purposefully
    Coaching leaders to enhanced performance
    More Information
  • Transition Thoughtfully
    Guiding people smoothly into their next assignments
    More Information


  • Analyzing robust behavioral psychometrics and simplifying complex results
  • Currating insights into direct feedback, both verbal and written
  • Providing clear and simple steps for immediate action and measurable impact
  • Delivering results rapidly, responsively, and respectfully


  • We begin with an understanding of your unique context: your company and your objectives
  • We lay out a customized solution for your desired outcomes, within your budget and timetable
  • We select appropriate analytic tools for baseline measures and continuous assessment
  • We go to work as your partner to achieve desired goals with continuous refinement based on real life results


Resilience: plan for ‘cycles of change’

Adults develop in a series of change cycles and transitions rather than a straight linear path. We live a chapter, renew ourselves, then move on to the next. Careers follow the same path; we must learn to embrace the rhythm of the cycles and be energized – not defeated – by them.

Continuous Learning: learning is our primary activity, no matter how young or old we are.

The velocity of change in our lives can send individuals and corporations into turmoil. To keep up, we must continue to acquire new and relevant skills, grow in our professions and let them evolve, even though times often appear blurry and chaotic.

Integration: create a multidimensional life

Workdays are longer, vacations are shorter and less frequent, and people are on information overload. The concept of career must be considered in a holistic framework that includes physical, emotional, mental and spiritual energy.

Self-Awareness and Emotional Competency: the soft skills are the hardest

The most intelligent or highly qualified person in an organization may not always have the emotional make-up to handle the stresses of the job environment. In fact, the #1 concern employees have of upper management is poor communication and interpersonal skills. These competencies can and must be developed: up to 90% of leadership success lies in emotional competencies that encompass self-awareness, adaptability, stress management, and interpersonal skills.

Clear and Specific Goals: long and short term direction

Clear goals are executable, sustainable, and attainable. Psychometrically based assessments coupled with structured feedback can provide objective insight into individual strengths, vulnerabilities/blind spots, and targets for improvement. This perspective allows people to assess where they are, and subsequently create a strategy for getting where they want to go clearly, and on-purpose.

Scientific Selection

Select Scientifically

People that present well in an interview don’t always perform well on the job. Poor hiring decisions can generate drama and discord, causing damage to people and profits. Wenroth makes it easier to predict successful performers by offering the most validated and robust assessment tools available, combined with the most nuanced interpretive skills.  Through our Hiring Profile, we do much more than match the specific competencies and characteristics of your culture and job requirements to your candidates.

  • Our consultants personally examine the results of every assessment to determine patterns in the data and behavioral tendencies. Rather than relying exclusively on algorithms, we customize our Profile Summaries to make the critical connections that only an experienced expert can see.
  • We provide a complete narrative of candidate’s strengths and weaknesses, as well as an overall recommendation of High, Moderate, or Low Fit.
  • We review your candidate’s resume and provide specific interview questions from their background and test results that help you further explore any “pink flag” tendencies.
  • All within a 24-hour standard turn-around time.
  • We remain available to discuss your candidate’s Summary after the report has been submitted
  • If requested, we will conduct our own interview to further illuminate Fit Factors or compare candidates competing for the same position.

Armed with this information, you can predict performance, broaden the pool of viable candidates to include those with nontraditional backgrounds, and leverage powerful tools for developing the candidates that you ultimately select.

Purposeful Performance

Perform Purposefully

As business landscapesshift, economic circumstanceschange, and organizations change size in response, leaders need to master versatility and agility in a dynamic world. Easy to say, but where to begin?

Wenroth coaches are here to help. Utilizing robust psychometric assessments as a foundation, our coaches help increasethe strategic self-awareness that fuels your capacity to navigate through change.With a reputation for taking the complex and making it simple, we offer direct feedback, new perspective, and relevant behavioral adjustments that immediately impact performance. Coaching sessions are a safe forum for bold, candid dialogue that creates pivot points in leadership development.

We are renowned for our ability to bring out the best in people, with a straightforward yet supportive style that lets you lead from who you are, and not from who you think you should be

Coaching engagements are typically for

  • Skills: learning focused on a current task i.e. preparing a presentation, learning to delegate, adjusting to a restructuring
  • Performance: learning focused on a present job i.e. to perform more effectively or to attend to problem behaviors before they become critical
  • Development: learning focused on a person’s future promotion or lateral move, to strengthen leadership skills or unlearn a behavior that has become a liability
  • Executive Agenda: acting as a trusted sounding board for Senior Executive decision making, change initiatives, growth strategies, etc.
Thoughtful Transition

Transition Thoughtfully

On average, an American today changes jobs 12 times during his or her career. Mobility, flexibility, and adaptability are the new norm.  Fortunately, today’s fluid environment means you’re in control, with the power (and responsibility) to shape your own professional life.

Whether the change you face is by chance, by choice, or by crisis, if it is time to reevaluate your career satisfaction and recommit to your professional growth, Wenroth can help. Our solutions are straightforward and simple to implement whether in your current company or in a new one. We are groundbreakers in Systematic Career Transition; our techniques have been taught at leading MBA programs including Harvard Business School, NYU Stern School of Business, Columbia University Business School, Tulane’s Freeman School of Business, and Cornell University’s SC Johnson College of Business. Our systematic process includes:

  • Creating a career plan based on values, interests, aptitudes, and market realities
  • Defining concrete job targets for the short term and long term
  • Designing campaigns to generate interviews, negotiate salary, and land multiple offers

We provide practical and realistic counsel, but always with innovative insight, support, and realistic optimism.  With Wenroth in your corner, you can ultimately look back at this stressful time as one of opportunity and growth.